10 Random Questions

Which of the following produces falsely high Sp02?

The trend plot shows end-tidal gases measured during a radical neck dissection. The event occurring at A is most likely

BASIC Equipment & Physics Respiratory & Critical Care General

After termination of an inhalation anesthetic, patient-controlled analgesia will

ADVANCED Regional & Pain

The primary purpose of denitrogenation prior to anesthetic induction is to

BASIC Respiratory & Critical Care General

During postoperative indirect laryngoscopy, the vocal cords appear symmetric during quiet breathing and approximate to the left of midline during phonation. The most likely cause is

ADVANCED Regional & Pain

Which of the following opioids is vagolytic?

BASIC Pharmacology & Pharmacokinetics

Prompt control of seizures induced by bupivacaine is necessary because

ADVANCED Neuro Regional & Pain

In patients who have undergone cardiopulmonary bypass, administration of milrinone is most likely to result in an increase in which of the following?


During therapy for eclampsia, toxic blood levels of magnesium sulfate can be distinguished from therapeutic levels by the presence of

ADVANCED Pharmacology & Pharmacokinetics OB

If administered epidurally in equipotent doses, which of the following opioids will produce analgesia over the greatest number of dermatomes?