10 Random Questions

The supine hypotensive syndrome of pregnancy


Which of the following statements concerning the check valve of the common gas outlet on an anesthesia gas machine is true?

BASIC Equipment & Physics

The pin index system

BASIC Equipment & Physics

During uncomplicated mask induction with halothane and 50% nitrous oxide in oxygen in a 6-month-old infant with a large ventricular septal defect and valvular pulmonic stenosis, SpO2 decreases from 85% (room air) to 60%; heart rate is 100 bpm and blood pressure is 62/40 mmHg. The most appropriate management is to

ADVANCED Pediatric Cardiac

Which of the following is most indicative of reflex sympathetic dystrophy?

ADVANCED Regional & Pain

Increasing preload, systemic vascular resistance and heart rate will best maintain hemodynamic stability in patients with

BASIC Cardiac

Which of the following statements concerning hyperkalemia after succinylcholine administration to a patient with a spinal cord injury is true?

BASIC Pharmacology & Pharmacokinetics

A 57-year-old man who weighs 150 kg and is 170 cm (67 in) tall is scheduled for cholecystectomy. He has a 100 pack-year smoking history. Which of the following findings on pulmonary function testing are most likely?

ADVANCED Respiratory & Critical Care

Inhalation induction of anesthesia is more rapid in a 6-month-old infant than in an adult because infants have

ADVANCED Pharmacology & Pharmacokinetics Pediatric

Addition of 20 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure to a patient receiving controlled mechanical ventilation decreases cardiac output and left ventricular function by

BASIC Cardiac